10 Easy Steps

10 Swimplified™ Steps to get your baby water safe for life!

1 - 6 Steps

1-6 steps can be learnt in the bath tub, jacuzzi or blowup pool

5 Months+

The Swimplified™ method can be taught to your five-month baby and up

Make Swimplified™ part of kids ROUTINE

With these few fun games you can get your child blowing bumbles, their faces (including eyes, nose and mouth) under the water and them floating comfortably on their backs.  These are vital skills necessary for a child to learn to swim. 


I used the Swimplified method for my youngest child as she had a terrible fear of water. By following the Swimplified method in the bathtub every night my child became like a mermaid. Swimming is her favourite activity and I can breathe easier knowing that she’s safe if she falls into a pool.

By Romy Rothstein and Mira Mesa

Romy Rothstein and Mira Mesa

We chose the Swimplified method to teach our young children to swim, we knew by their excellent reputation that our kids would thrive. Within a few lessons my children were water safe! They developed confidence, a love for swimming and so many excellent skills. We are so grateful to Swimplified for instilling these very important life skills in our children.

By Maxine Margolis

Maxine Margolis

I cannot begin to express the positive experience my husband and I had using the Swimplified method with our 2 and 4 year old boys. We used the Swimplified method to prepare our somewhat anxious boys but practicing in the bathtub. By the time we took them to swim classes they flourished and loved the water. We would recommend the Swimplified method to every parent . My boys now look forward to being in the water and are close to being completely safe

By Kimberly Simms
San Diego – CA

Kimberly Simms

My hubby and I taught our boys to swim using the Swimplified method. They learned to love the water from a very young age and we are now living the California dream.

By Steve and Davina Turobiner – San Diego

Steve and Davina Turobiner – San Diego

Both of daughters learned to swim with Swimplified in a matter of a few days. I would recommend Swimplified to any parent!

By Kate – Thomason – Duwe

Kate – Thomason – Duwe

I just have to share that Anna swam the whole width of our neighbourhood swimming pool without me holding her or stopping…and then she rested for about 30 seconds and swam the whole way back! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

By Susan Banner – New York

Susan Banner – New York

Thanks to Swimplified, Dane has been able to build his skills and gain confidence in the water. Bring on waterpolo!

By Gabbi Gavronsky

Gabbi Gavronsky

Because of swimplified Bodhi is a confident swimmer and as parents we feel safe knowing he understands water and the pool.

By Nicole


I had a 2 yr old cousin drown 10 yrs ago and it has been so important to me to get my kids safe near the water. I was crying from joy yesterday when I went to the pool with Emmy and she just figured it out thanks to your 10 Swimplified Tools.

By Mira – Atlanta Georgia

Mira – Atlanta Georgia

Swimplified taught both my children to swim in a way that made our family feel safe and confident in the water. My children really trust and respect the water . They love to swim and and are confident and safe . I am so grateful to Swimplified!

By the Lederman family
San Diego – California

The Lederman family

Did you know a child can NOT learn to swim safely without being able to go under the water.

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